Object Model

When the getNEXT Plugin is installed within InDesign or InCopy, the plugin extends the application’s Object model to provide getNEXT-specific properties and methods. The following reference describes these extensions.



Application.showgetNEXTLog (): string

Description: shows log folder.

Application.teGetTenantFlag (tetenantflag: TeTenantFlag ): Boolean

Description: gets currently set value of given tenant flag.

Field Data Type Description
tetenantflag TeTenantFlag The teTenantFlag is an enumeration object that will include the constant values DPS, HTMLEDITOR, TOOLBOXEXPORT, TOOLBOXTAGGING.

Application.teLogin (username: string , password: string , tenantname: string ): Boolean

Description: executes login.

Field Data Type Description
username string The login username.
password string The login password.
tenantname string The login tenant name. (Optional)

Application.teLogout (): Boolean

Description: executes logout.

Application.teSetServer (trueeditserver: string ): string

Description: sets getNEXTServer that will be used on subsequent login request.

Field Data Type Description
trueeditserver string The getNEXT server path.

Application.teGetServer (): string

Description: gets getNEXT server.

Application.teCreateJob (pathofparentjob: string , jobname: string , profilename: string , file: File ): TeJobObject

Description: creates job.

Field Data Type Description
pathofparentjob string Breadcrumb identifying where in the hierarchy to create the job. Can reference root using ‘/’.
jobname string The name of the new job.
profilename string The profile for the new job. This can be set to ‘None’ to indicate no profile is set for the new job.
file File The file to associate as the working file for the new job. (Optional)

Application.teCreateNewRevision (pathoftargetjob: string , file: File ): Boolean

Description: creates new revision.

Field Data Type Description
pathoftargetjob string Breadcrumb identifying for which job in the hierarchy we will add a new revision. Can reference root using ‘/’.
file File The file to associate as the new working file for the job.

Application.teZipFolder (foldertozip: string , zipfilename: string , zipfilepath: string , maskinclude: string , maskexclude: string ): Boolean

Description: recursively zips files within given folder structure and generates zip file at given location with given name.

Field Data Type Description
foldertozip string A path referencing the target folder whose contents will be zipped.
zipfilename string The name of the resulting zip file.
zipfilepath string The location of the resulting zip file.
maskinclude string A filter for file name patterns to include (e.g.,”*.xml”) (Optional)
maskexclude string A filter for file name patterns to exclude (e.g., “*.DS_Store”) (Optional)

Application.teUnzipFile (file: File , unzipfilepath: string ): Boolean

Description: unzips files from zip file to given location.

Field Data Type Description
file File The file to unzip.
unzipfilepath string The location to unzip the zip file contents.

Application.teGetJobDetails (jobpath: string ): TeJobObject

Description: returns job object.

Field Data Type Description
jobpath string The path of the job being retrieved.

Application.teGetJobDetailsByXPath (jobxpath: string ):Array of TeJobObject

Description: returns job object.

Field Data Type Description
jobxpath string The path of the job being retrieved.

Application.teSetFilterContext (filtername: string ): Boolean

Description: sets filter context for job model.

Field Data Type Description
filtername string Identifies the filter to use for subsequent teGetJobDetailsByXPath() calls

Application.teScheduleScriptExecutionOnInterval (scriptfile: File , interval: number ): string

Description: schedules script execution on an interval.

Field Data Type Description
scriptfile File Identifies the script file which will be executed when the interval fires.
interval number Identifies the interval between attempts to execute the specified script in seconds. If set to 0, the script is executed immediately and exactly once.

Application.teGetScheduledScriptExecutions ():Array of string

Description: gets array of UIDs of scheduled script executions.

Application.teGetScheduledScriptExecutionDetails (idenitfier: string ): TeScheduleScriptObject

Description: gets details of scheduled script execution.

Field Data Type Description
idenitfier string Identifies the scheduled script execution for which to fetch details.

Application.teWriteToLog (message: string , level: TeLogLevelEnum ): Boolean

Description: writes log message to getNEXT log file based on level.

Field Data Type Description
message string The message to write to the getNEXT Log.
level TeLogLevelEnum An enumerator identifying the log level for the message (i.e., INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG) (Optional)

Application.teDeleteScheduledScriptExecution (idenitfier: string ): Boolean

Description: removes given schedule script execution.

Field Data Type Description
idenitfier string Identifies the scheduled script execution for which to fetch details.

Application.teDeleteAllScheduledScriptExecution (): Boolean

Description: removes all scheduled script executions.

Application.teExecuteFilter (filtername: string ):Array of TeJobObject

Description: returns Array of teJobObjects representing the filter response.

Field Data Type Description
filtername string The name of the filter to execute.

Application.teGetLocalizedString (property: string ): string

Description: performs get localized string action.

Field Data Type Description
property string The property identifying a corresponding localized string.

Application.teLogJobEvent (tejobid: string , actioncode: string , params:Array of string ): Boolean

Description: performs loging of a job event.

Field Data Type Description
tejobid string The Job Id to be used for logging
actioncode string Action code. (Optional)
params Array of string An array of strings identifying the variable string params. (Optional)

Application.teGetCookieValue (tecookiename: string ): string

Description: gets cookie value.

Field Data Type Description
tecookiename string cookie name


Application.teGetProfiles (Read Only)

Data Type: Array of TeProfile

This property returns the current profiles configured for the tenant to which the user is logged in.



An enumerator identifying the log level for the message (i.e., INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG).


An enumerator identifying the tenant flags (i.e., DPS, HTMLEDITOR, TOOLBOXEXPORT, TOOLBOXTAGGING).




TeJobObject.teAssign (assigntoname: string , assigntogroup: Boolean ): Boolean

Description: performs assign a job action.

Field Data Type Description
assigntoname string The name of the user or group to which the job will be assigned
assigntogroup Boolean If set, identifies that the assignToName parameter refers to a group (Optional)

TeJobObject.teCheckIn (jobname: string , status: string , assigntoname: string , assigntogroup: Boolean , notifyassignee: Boolean , workingfile: File , mediatype:Array of string , note: string ): Boolean

Description: performs checkin action.

Field Data Type Description
jobname string A new name for the job. (Optional)
status string A new status for the job. (Optional)
assigntoname string The name of the user or group to which the job will be assigned. If a username is provided, it must be the actual username and not the display name. (Optional)
assigntogroup Boolean If set, identifies that the assignToName parameter refers to a group. If disabled or not present, the assignToName will refer to a user. (Optional)
notifyassignee Boolean If set, notify the assignee of the assignment. (Optional)
workingfile File A new working file for the job. (Optional)
mediatype Array of string An array of strings identifying media types for the job. (Optional)
note string A new note for the job. (Optional)

TeJobObject.teCheckOut (): Boolean

Description: performs checkout action.

TeJobObject.teCreateChildJob (jobname: string , profilename: string , file: File ): TeJobObject

Description: creates child job for document

Field Data Type Description
jobname string The name of the new job.
profilename string The profile for the new job. (Optional)
file File The file to associate as the working file for the new job. (Optional)

TeJobObject.teExportWorkingFile (location: File ): Boolean

Description: exports working file of job object.

Field Data Type Description
location File defines the location for where the file should be downloaded

TeJobObject.teGetCMDFieldValueAsString (tecmdfieldname: string ): string

Description: gets CMD field value

Field Data Type Description
tecmdfieldname string The name of the CMD field for which to retrieve the value.

TeJobObject.teGetChildJobs ():Array of TeJobObject

Description: returns array of children job objects

TeJobObject.teGetParentJob (): TeJobObject

Description: returns parent job object

TeJobObject.teSetCMDFieldValue (tecmdfieldname: string , value:any): Boolean

Description: sets the CMD value for given CMD field name

Field Data Type Description
tecmdfieldname string The name of the CMD field for which to retrieve the value.
value any The new value to use for the named CMD field. The data type of the provided value must match the data type of the CMD field.

TeJobObject.teSetProfile (profilename: string ): Boolean

Description: performs set profile action.

Field Data Type Description
profilename string Identfied the new profile for the job.

TeJobObject.teAssigneeName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the value of the Assignee field

TeJobObject.teCheckedOut (Read Only)

Data Type: Boolean

Returns True if the job is checked out; False if it is not checked out.

TeJobObject.teCheckedOutToCurrentUser (Read Only)

Data Type: Boolean

Returns True if the job is checked out to the current user; False if it is not checked out by the current user.

TeJobObject.teCheckedOutToName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

If the job is checked out, returns the name of the user who has the job checked out.

TeJobObject.teId (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The ID of the job

TeJobObject.teJobName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Name of the job

TeJobObject.teJobPath (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The breadcrumb trail (path) for the job

TeJobObject.teMediaTypeDelimitedList (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides a comma delimited list of assigned media types

TeJobObject.teProfileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the profile assigned to the job

TeJobObject.teStatusName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The current status of the job.

TeJobObject.teWorkingFileExtension (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the extension of the working file name

TeJobObject.teWorkingFileLastModified (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the last modified UTC date time of the TE job

TeJobObject.teWorkingFileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the working file



TeProfile.teId (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Get profile Id.

TeProfile.teProfileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Get profile Name.



TeScheduleScriptObject.scriptFile (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The script file referenced by the Object.



Document.teConvertToLocalLinks ()

Description: converts to local links.

Document.teConvertToWebLinks ()

Description: converts to web links.

Document.teCreateChildJob (jobname: string , profilename: string , file: File ): TeJobObject

Description: creates child job for document.

Field Data Type Description
jobname string The name of the new job.
profilename string The profile for the new job. (Optional)
file File The file to associate as the working file for the new job. (Optional)

Document.teDoesNamedChildJobExist (jobname: string ): Boolean

Description: checks if any child job with given name exists.

Field Data Type Description
jobname string The job name to check.

Document.teDownloadPlacedJobs ()

Description: downloads placed jobs.

Document.teGetCMDFieldValueAsString (tecmdfieldname: string ): string

Description: gets CMD field value.

Field Data Type Description
tecmdfieldname string The name of the CMD field for which to retrieve the value.

Document.teGetJobDetails (): TeJobObject

Description: returns job object.


Document.teAssigneeName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the value of the Assignee field

Document.teId (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The UUID of the job

Document.teJobName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Name of the job

Document.teJobPath (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The breadcrumb trail (path) for the job

Document.teMediaTypeDelimitedList (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides a comma delimited list of assigned media types

Document.teProfileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the profile assigned to the job

Document.teStatusName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The current status of the job.

Document.teWorkingFileExtension (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the extension of the working file name

Document.teWorkingFileLastModified (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the last modified UTC date time of the TE job

Document.teWorkingFileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the working file



Graphic.teCreateChildJob (jobname: string , profilename: string , file: File ): TeJobObject

Description: creates child job for document.

Field Data Type Description
jobname string The name of the new job.
profilename string The profile for the new job. (Optional)
file File The file to associate as the working file for the new job. (Optional)

Graphic.teCreateLink (tejobid: string ): Boolean

Description: sets job link to frame.

Field Data Type Description
tejobid string The Job Id to be linked to the frame

Graphic.teGetCMDFieldValueAsString (tecmdfieldname: string ): string

Description: gets CMD field value.

Field Data Type Description
tecmdfieldname string The name of the CMD field for which to retrieve the value.

Graphic.teGetJobDetails (): TeJobObject

Description: returns job object.


Graphic.teAssigneeName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the value of the Assignee field

Graphic.teId (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The UUID of the job

Graphic.teJobName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Name of the job

Graphic.teJobPath (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The breadcrumb trail (path) for the job

Graphic.teMediaTypeDelimitedList (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides a comma delimited list of assigned media types

Graphic.teProfileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the profile assigned to the job

Graphic.teStatusName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The current status of the job.

Graphic.teWorkingFileExtension (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the extension of the working file name

Graphic.teWorkingFileLastModified (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the last modified UTC date time of the TE job

Graphic.teWorkingFileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the working file



PageItem.teCreateChildJob (jobname: string , profilename: string , file: File ): TeJobObject

Description: creates child job for document.

Field Data Type Description
jobname string The name of the new job.
profilename string The profile for the new job. (Optional)
file File The file to associate as the working file for the new job. (Optional)

PageItem.teCreateLink (tejobid: string ): Boolean

Description: sets job link to frame.

Field Data Type Description
tejobid string The Job Id to be linked to the frame.

PageItem.teGetCMDFieldValueAsString (tecmdfieldname: string ): string

Description: gets CMD field value.

Field Data Type Description
tecmdfieldname string The name of the CMD field for which to retrieve the value.

PageItem.teGetJobDetails (): TeJobObject

Description: returns job object.


PageItem.teAssigneeName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the value of the Assignee field

PageItem.teId (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The UUID of the job

PageItem.teJobName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Name of the job

PageItem.teJobPath (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The breadcrumb trail (path) for the job

PageItem.teMediaTypeDelimitedList (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides a comma delimited list of assigned media types

PageItem.teProfileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the profile assigned to the job

PageItem.teStatusName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The current status of the job.

PageItem.teWorkingFileExtension (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the extension of the working file name

PageItem.teWorkingFileLastModified (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the last modified UTC date time of the TE job

PageItem.teWorkingFileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the working file



Story.teCreateChildJob (jobname: string , profilename: string , file: File ): TeJobObject

Description: creates child job for document.

Field Data Type Description
jobname string The name of the new job.
profilename string The profile for the new job. (Optional)
file File The file to associate as the working file for the new job. (Optional)

Story.teCreateLink (tejobid: string ): Boolean

Description: sets job link to frame.

Field Data Type Description
tejobid string The Job Id to be linked to the frame.

Story.teGetCMDFieldValueAsString (tecmdfieldname: string ): string

Description: gets CMD field value.

Field Data Type Description
tecmdfieldname string The name of the CMD field for which to retrieve the value.

Story.teGetJobDetails (): TeJobObject

Description: returns job object.


Story.teAssigneeName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the value of the Assignee field

Story.teId (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The UUID of the job

Story.teJobName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Name of the job

Story.teJobPath (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The breadcrumb trail (path) for the job

Story.teMediaTypeDelimitedList (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides a comma delimited list of assigned media types

Story.teProfileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the profile assigned to the job

Story.teStatusName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The current status of the job.

Story.teWorkingFileExtension (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the extension of the working file name

Story.teWorkingFileLastModified (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the last modified UTC date time of the TE job

Story.teWorkingFileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the working file



Text.teCreateChildJob (jobname: string , profilename: string , file: File ): TeJobObject

Description: creates child job for document.

Field Data Type Description
jobname string The name of the new job.
profilename string The profile for the new job. (Optional)
file File The file to associate as the working file for the new job. (Optional)

Text.teCreateLink (tejobid: string ): Boolean

Description: sets job link to frame.

Field Data Type Description
tejobid string The Job Id to be linked to the frame.

Text.teGetCMDFieldValueAsString (tecmdfieldname: string ): string

Description: gets CMD field value.

Field Data Type Description
tecmdfieldname string The name of the CMD field for which to retrieve the value.

Text.teGetJobDetails (): TeJobObject

Description: returns job object.


Text.teAssigneeName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the value of the Assignee field

Text.teId (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The UUID of the job

Text.teJobName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Name of the job

Text.teJobPath (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The breadcrumb trail (path) for the job

Text.teMediaTypeDelimitedList (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides a comma delimited list of assigned media types

Text.teProfileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the profile assigned to the job

Text.teStatusName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

The current status of the job.

Text.teWorkingFileExtension (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the extension of the working file name

Text.teWorkingFileLastModified (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the last modified UTC date time of the TE job

Text.teWorkingFileName (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Provides the name of the working file